PC Poorly started trading in Exeter in 2005 serving home & small / medium businesses.
We don't understand words with more than 2 syllables but we know computing! - That makes us excellent at working with you to get a solution you understand.
You know when you go to a car garage? And the mechanic says you need a "thingymy that does the thing to fix your problem" and you zoned out 3 words into the explanation as you didn't know what on earth they were talking about, all you know is to shrug and pay the bill? - we ARE NOT like that!
All our fees are flat fee and for the most part we'll get you or your business to buy the things you need, all we do is point you in the right direction. This means no middle man fees, no ownership / warranty issues and you know we're on your side from unscrupolous (sorry 4 syllables) sales person(s).
Whether you're an SME sick of being bent over a barrel from outsourced IT companies or a retired hobbyist, charity, club or non profit organisation - get in touch & get your own personal IT guide to solve your problems.